More information about TD Q Canadian Dividend ETF (TQCD) is in its prospectus. Before investing in an Exchange Traded Fund (ETF), it’s important to assess how it fits within your portfolio and aligns with your risk tolerance. ETF prices can also experience higher volatility during market openings and closings and there is always the possibility of losing money. It’s also worth noting that a narrower bid-ask spread generally indicates higher liquidity, meaning you’re more likely to execute trades at expected prices. Always consider these factors carefully when making investment decisions, as even ETFs considered low-risk can experience losses under certain market conditions.
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TD Q Canadian Dividend ETF (TQCD) seeks to earn income and moderate capital growth by using a quantitative approach to security selection to invest primarily in, or gain exposure to, dividend-paying equity securities and other income-producing instruments of Canadian issuers. The portfolio adviser seeks to achieve the fundamental investment objective of TD Q Canadian Dividend ETF by investing primarily in a diversified portfolio of income-producing securities of Canadian issuers, which may include but is not limited to, dividend-paying common and preferred shares and real estate investment trusts (REITs). The TD ETF may also invest in other exchange-traded funds. The portfolio adviser utilizes a quantitative equity strategy to identify and optimize exposure to stocks that have above-average dividend yields and/or issuers that are expected to pay out increasing dividends over time.

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