HDIF: Harvest Diversified Monthly Income ETF
HDIF: Harvest Diversified Monthly Income ETF

HDIF: Harvest Diversified Monthly Income ETF

Harvest Diversified Monthly Income ETF (HDIF) offers a portfolio of equally weighted Harvest ETFs positioned to deliver steady monthly income through distributions. This active portfolio is reconstituted and rebalanced at a minimum quarterly. HDIF is comprised of over 90 diversified large global companies and is designed to provide a consistent monthly income stream. An active covered call strategy is applied on up to 33% of each security held in each ETF. Leverage is utilized to further enhance income.

  • A one-stop diversified core monthly income solution
  • Exposure to leading large capitalization companies across sectors and nations
  • Consistent monthly income with opportunity for capital appreciation
  • Modest leverage anticipated to be 1.25x to enhance income

Top HDIF Holdings

HDIF holds Harvest covered call ETFs with 25% leverage. The ETF focuses on large global companies across health care, technology, utility and financial sectors. To generate an enhanced monthly distribution yield, an active covered call strategy is applied on up to 33% of each equity securities held in underlying portfolios.

HBFHarvest Brand Leaders Plus Income ETF18.8%
HLIFHarvest Canadian Equity Income Leaders ETF18.7%
HHLHarvest Healthcare Leaders Income ETF17.8%
HUBLHarvest US Bank Leaders Income ETF17.0%
TRVIHarvest Travel & Leisure Income ETF16.4%
HUTLHarvest Equal Weight Global Utilities Income ETF16.3%
HTAHarvest Tech Achievers Growth & Income ETF 16.1%
HPYMHarvest Premium Yield 7-10 Year Treasury ETF3.1%


Quickly compare HDIF to other investments focused on global equities by fees, performance, yield, and other metrics to decide which ETF fits in your portfolio.

ManagerETFNameRiskInceptionMERAUMBetaP/EDividend YieldDistributions1Y3Y5Y10Y15Y
BlackRockXEQTiShares Core Equity ETF PortfolioMedium2019-08-070.20%$3,863,324,5060.9917.741.90%Quarterly22.07%8.67%N/AN/AN/A
BMOZWQTBMO Global Enhanced Income Fund Series ETFMedium2023-06-190.71%$10,310,000N/AN/AN/AMonthlyN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
BromptonBMAXBrompton Enhanced Multi-Asset Income ETFMedium2022-10-182.85%$77,000,000N/AN/A9.10%Monthly22.84%N/AN/AN/AN/A
CICEQTCI Equity Asset Allocation ETF
FidelityFEQTFidelity All-in-One Equity ETFMedium2022-01-250.43%$369,800,000N/AN/A1.17%Annually28.83%N/AN/AN/AN/A
Global XEQCCGlobal X All-Equity Asset Allocation Covered Call ETFMedium2024-05-28N/A$2,005,753N/AN/AN/AMonthlyN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
HamiltonHYLDHamilton Enhanced U.S. Covered Call ETFMedium2022-02-072.40%$576,200,000N/A21.7811.51%Monthly20.96%N/AN/AN/AN/A
HarvestHDIFHarvest Diversified Monthly Income ETFMedium2022-02-112.37%$371,920,000N/A16.6710.42%Monthly17.80%N/AN/AN/AN/A
PurposePDIVPurpose Enhanced Dividend Fund ETFLow to Medium2013-02-200.78%$57,800,0000.5612.0712.28%Monthly7.52%3.84%6.34%4.86%N/A
VanguardVEQTVanguard All-Equity ETF PortfolioMedium2019-01-290.24%$4,290,000,0000.9617.411.71%Annually21.57%8.27%11.00%N/AN/A


HDIF is a higher-yielding and less expensive ETF than HDIV which is older, more popular and allocated more in Canada. Both funds have monthly dividend distributions. 


HDIF is a less expensive and more Canadian ETF than HYLD which is focused on American equities, higher-yielding, older, more popular and the same age. Both funds have monthly dividend distributions. 


HDIF is a better-performing, higher-yielding, more popular and older ETF than HRIF which is less expensive and has no leverage. Both funds have monthly dividend distributions and similar diversification. 

What are the Fees for HDIF ETF?

The management expense ratio (MER) fees of HDIF is 1.58%. This means you are charged $158.00 for every $10,000 invested. This is less than most mutual funds charging approximately 2%, but high compared to most ETFs.

What is the Dividend Payout for HDIF?

The current dividend payout for HDIF is $0.0708.

What is the Target Yield for HDIF?

A consistently paid high monthly income yield of HDIF is 10.59%. This is more than most ETFs, but yields are abnormally high due to covered call options to generate income and help offset volatility.

What is the Difference Between HDIF and HDIV ETF?

The major difference between HDIF and HDIV is that HDIF holds only proprietary ETFs and HDIV holds a combination of proprietary and competitor ETFs and has a higher allocation to Canada with more Canadian holdings. Only one of these products should be held in a portfolio.

How Much of HDIF is Invested in Canada?

Approximately 25% of this ETF is invested in Canada. Comparing this fund directly to a 25/75 portfolio of XIU/XWD providing exposure to the S&P/TSX 60 and MSCI World Index, respectively, seems to be accurate.



HDIF is a fund of fund ETF that has an extremely high MER of 1.58% and I highly recommend selecting the individual sector covered call ETFs independently that fit your risk tolerance. This strategy sacrifices total returns for yield and a monthly income stream that may contain return of capital (ROC). This investment should not be purchased prior to retirement and should generally be avoided. I highly recommend using a 25/75 portfolio of ZLB/XWD for a similar portfolio, lower fees and superior returns.