SLF Stock Analysis
Sun Life Financial Inc. (SLF), a financial services company, provides savings, retirement, and pension products worldwide. The company operates in five segments: Asset Management, Canada, U.S., Asia, and Corporate. It offers various insurance products, such as term and permanent life; personal health, which includes prescription drugs, dental, and vision care; critical illness; long-term care; and disability, as well as reinsurance. The company also provides advice for financial planning and retirement planning services; investment products, such as mutual funds, segregated funds, and annuities; and asset and investment management products consisting of pooled funds, institutional portfolios, and pension funds. In addition, it offers real estate services; manages equity capital in various private and listed funds, as well as mezzanine debt, middle market direct lending, high-yield bonds, and syndicated loans; and operates as an investment grade fixed income investor, real estate investment management advisor, infrastructure investment manager, and alternative credit investment manager. The company was formerly known as Sun Life Financial Services of Canada Inc. and changed its name to Sun Life Financial Inc. in July 2003. Sun Life Financial Inc. was founded in 1871 and is headquartered in Toronto, Canada.
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Ticker | Market Cap | Beta | P/E | Yield | EV/EBITDA | P/B | P/S | C/S | Current | Margin | ROIC | REV Y/Y | 1Y |
BAM | $22,227,000,000 | N/A | 38.97 | 3.66% | 11.86 | 1.67 | 0.80 | 7.82 | 1.79 | 18.14% | 4.30% | 26.99% | 16.48% |
BITF | $1,520,000,000 | 3.32 | N/A | N/A | 2.17 | 0.41 | 0.72 | 0.22 | 3.02 | -14.69% | N/A | 26.09% | 55.27% |
BMO | $86,774,000,000 | 1.18 | 14.27 | 5.21% | N/A | 1.06 | 2.73 | 264.34 | 0.36 | N/A | N/A | N/A | -2.94% |
BN | $98,164,000,000 | 1.71 | 77.26 | 0.69% | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | 34.47% |
BNS | $79,824,000,000 | 0.97 | 10.80 | 6.53% | N/A | 1.01 | 2.75 | 166.43 | 0.37 | N/A | N/A | N/A | -3.13% |
CM | $64,747,000,000 | 1.11 | 10.48 | 5.24% | N/A | 0.49 | 1.22 | 327.43 | 0.33 | N/A | N/A | 2.58% | 18.91% |
MFC | $64,143,000,000 | 1.08 | 15.38 | 4.46% | 4.26 | 0.96 | 2.15 | 14.56 | 29.14 | 61.03% | 0.82% | 127.28% | 41.38% |
RY | $217,567,000,000 | 0.84 | 14.08 | 3.69% | N/A | 1.52 | 3.73 | 503.75 | 0.44 | N/A | N/A | N/A | 20.00% |
SLF | $39,655,000,000 | 0.94 | 12.96 | 4.73% | 6.58 | 1.53 | 1.05 | 26.01 | 56.69 | 46.51% | 1.07% | N/A | 0.42% |
TD | $140,234,000,000 | 0.81 | 13.35 | 5.12% | N/A | 1.41 | 3.15 | 145.35 | 0.38 | N/A | N/A | N/A | -6.53% |